Time for a little news of recent happenings at and behind the scenes at the Catty Shack.
Little Pipe Dream was diagnosed with a significant heart murmur when he was in for his neuter. We decided to go ahead with the surgery but we had to take him back in yesterday as he couldn’t keep anything down. Dr. Smith gave him anti nausea medication so we are hoping that will do the trick for that sweet boy.
Pnut, a mom cat, came to the Shack after her spay and is one of the most amiable torties I’ve ever met! She loves getting pets and attention. Her 6 kittens are still with Michelle waiting for their spay/ neuter date which isn’t far off.
That cute Persian boy who got adopted so fast turned out to be declawed! He was one lucky little guy to make it outside until rescued.
We are having kitten adoptions here and there with possibly 6 being adopted this week from different fosters.
Calls are still coming in daily with found cats and kittens. Last week we got a call from a woman who had picked up 2 newborn kittens from the sidewalk and needed help. The Kelly family stepped up and Michelle is now tube feeding the kittens. If you have ever read up on this, you will appreciate what a delicate operation this is. They were born the day they were found and nursing from a bottle was so exhausting for them that they couldn’t eat enough to get full. Michelle started tube feeding them. She will have had them a week tomorrow which is miraculous to my mind. We have the incubator that they can be In but more important than environment is the nutrition to put weight on them. Also these kittens never nursed so they have none of the gut flora that helps them thrive. The odds are so slim for them. Thank you to the Kelly family and Michelle for the round the clock care it takes to keep these little guys going.
Thank you all for keeping things going at the Shack and for giving all our kitties a chance at a good life. You make the difference for them.