<![CDATA[Catty Shack Rescue - News]]>Tue, 14 Jan 2025 18:36:12 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Catty Shack September 2023 Newsletter]]>Fri, 01 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/catty-shack-september-2023-newsletterTHE INS AND OUTS OF ADOPTION 
Adopting a pet can be one of the most special days of you and your pet’s lives. You can look back with fond memories of that day when your adventure together began. Especially if you are prepared to do what it takes to make the process flow smoothly.

When we interview a prospective adopter, we look for things that we can agree on but we also have specific requests we would like met to make everyone comfortable and safe.

We ask what type of kitty you have in mind. A lap cat, an independent type, old, young, in the middle?We do our best to match personality types and traits with peoples wants.

We also look for things that we feel would be a detriment to both parties. Through experience we have noted that doggy doors, indoor/outdoor permission, declawing a cat or kitten, having too many pets in the home, having too many people in a small space , long periods of time with pet being left alone, past history with pets,  older people wanting young kittens, all make for problems that can even end up in the death of a pet.

When we adopt a cat to an interested person or family, they are assuming all responsibilities for their adoptees. These responsibilities include food, shelter, health monitoring and enrichment  for their mental and physical well being.

Most rescues have stipulations they require to be met before the adoption is finalized.

Some of these may include number of animals already in household, past history with pets, age of adopters, back up plans in case of crisis, ability and willingness to keep the animal inside , health visits, healthy food, daily hours spent away from the pet and sometimes special needs considerations.

These stipulations come from many years of experience much of it learned the hard way.

​So keeping all this in mind, when you do decide to begin the adoption process, know that you are getting advice backed by trial and error which aims to make a peak experience for everyone involved and a long and healthy life together!


Last newsletter we told the tales of Dandelion aka Dandylion in diary form to convey what the life of a lone kitten is and could be. This newsletter we get to announce Dandylion’s adoption!

Dandylion has gone to her new home along with Kaia, one of the pregnant moms that we took in this year. Kaia’s kittens are up for adoption in foster butDandylion went to a new home with Kaia who she knew from her foster time.

So Dandylion has a mother after all along with her human mother.

Way to go Dandylion and your foster mom Paige. A beautiful ending to a story of rescue and how love does conquer all!


It is with sadness that we bid farewell to Lucky the three legged cat that many of you may know from his time at N.O.A.H. Thrift Store. He was a wonderful boy who went into “retirement” several years ago by finding a loving home where he was cared for in the way he deserved.

He graced our lives with his friendliness and special personality despite what life had brought his way.

Goodbye Lucky. We were blessed to know you and will never forget you.

<![CDATA[UPDATES FROM THE CATTY SHACK]]>Thu, 05 Aug 2021 22:01:22 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/updates-from-the-catty-shackPicture
Hi Volunteers and Friends of the Catty Shack,

Time for a little news of recent happenings at and behind the scenes at the Catty Shack.

Little Pipe Dream was diagnosed with a significant heart murmur when he was in for his neuter. We decided to go ahead with the surgery but we had to take him back in yesterday as he couldn’t keep anything down. Dr. Smith gave him anti nausea medication so we are hoping that will do the trick for that sweet boy.

Pnut, a mom cat, came to the Shack after her spay and is one of the most amiable torties I’ve ever met! She loves getting pets and attention. Her 6 kittens are still with Michelle waiting for their spay/ neuter date which isn’t far off.

That cute Persian boy who got adopted so fast turned out to be declawed! He was one lucky little guy to make it outside until rescued.

We are having kitten adoptions here and there with possibly 6 being adopted this week from different fosters.

Calls are still coming in daily with found cats and kittens. Last week we got a call from a woman who had picked up 2 newborn kittens from the sidewalk and needed help. The Kelly family stepped up and Michelle is now tube feeding the kittens. If you have ever read up on this, you will appreciate what a delicate operation this is. They were born the day they were found and nursing from a bottle was so exhausting for them that they couldn’t eat enough to get full. Michelle started tube feeding them. She will have had them a week tomorrow which is miraculous to my mind. We have the incubator that they can be In but more important than environment is the nutrition to put weight on them. Also these kittens never nursed so they have none of the gut flora that helps them thrive. The odds are so slim for them. Thank you to the Kelly family and Michelle for the round the clock care it takes to keep these little guys going. 

Thank you all for keeping things going at the Shack and for giving all our kitties a chance at a good life. You make the difference for them.


<![CDATA[The Fastest Adoption Ever!]]>Fri, 23 Jul 2021 21:51:56 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/the-fastest-adoption-everPicture
Hi Volunteers and Friends of the Catty Shack,

So much happens behind the scenes at a rescue, I thought I would report in on some of the activity.

Everyone who has shifts at the Shack knows that Artemis and Guy were adopted, we have 4 new kittens in the green room from foster and a new senior declawed girl in the back room who is making the transition from neglect to having a clean area and food to eat that she likes.

I am getting multiple calls for help daily, as always, and am trying to find solutions for each situation. Sheri Laing is doing a Herculean task of keeping up with all the emergency situations, as well as spaying and neutering multitudes of ferals, colonies and hoarding situations. I can’t even begin to guess the numbers this year, it is so relentless. We are doing our best to keep up with the kittens and moms who are friendly enough to go somewhere.

Yesterday I found myself driving out to Dewey to pick up a purebred Persian who was found on the street trying to fend for himself outdoors, where he had probably never been. He is microchipped, and the number was contacted, but they had no interest in having him back. He was brought down from Montana originally. As I drove up to the woman’s car, I saw she was holding an orange kitten, and we know what that means! Luckily there is always a collapsible carrier in my car, so Pipe Dream, the orange kitten who had been living in a drain pipe, was handed over, along with the Persian boy.

Baba, as I dubbed the Persian, rode in the front seat with me, and as we drove to the lusty music of Pipe Dreams protest song, I looked at Baba through the holes in the carrier. I wondered how a full bred Persian ended up on the street and he wondered where he was going and what would happen to him next. We drove back to town, intermittently looking into each other’s eyes, and he began a soft talking, telling me his story and asking me where he was going. Our hearts touched in those moments, and as we all know, we are forever changed by their gifts from the heart.

I took them both to MileHi to get tested, which is always our first step. I stepped outside to take a call, and when I stepped back in, two vet techs were sitting with both of the carriers, waiting for me. Both boys tested negative and the new vet tech, Breezy, asked if he would be up for adoption. I replied he was horribly matted and would need grooming. She said she would do that at MileHi, and, long story short, Baba, now Cosmo, went home within an hour of pickup. His stars aligned, as his new person is over the moon to have him.

Meanwhile, Pipe Dream went into one of the enclosures in the kitten room, ate some food and collapsed into sleep. He is a worn-out little guy, about 16 weeks or so, but you know it won’t take long for him to bounce back and drive us all nuts. You can watch him do that when you come into work or visit at the Shack.

Thank you for continuing to work and support the Catty Shack. I know sometimes it doesn’t look like much is going on but behind the scenes it is hell on wheels! We do our best to keep up and keeping things running smoothly at the Shack, which makes it that much easier.


You are home now boy! Hopefully we’ll get some after pictures to show what he looks like after being off the street for awhile.

<![CDATA[RIP Bobbie]]>Mon, 29 Apr 2019 17:57:15 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/rip-bobbiePicture
We said good bye to one of the FELV + kitties in our group this morning. He died peacefully in his sleep never having a chance to find his own home. His fosters have been incredibly good to him and his companions and for that we are eternally grateful. But we have hopes and dreams for all our rescues that they will find their place in the world and connect deeply with their human. It has been the hardest thing to accept that this won’t happen for these babies and they will never know that experience. But their fosters have stood by them through every twist and turn of the path. Even when I suggested we euthanize them on the advice of people I talked with, they refused and have continued on day in and day out, caring for them, giving them the best life they can, sacrificing the space in their home to hold them where they won’t be with their well cats. These are the good hearted people you rarely hear about. The ones who quietly sacrifice, reassure these babies that they are loved and guide them through their experience of the world as they know it. The power of love is the strongest power in the world and the only one worth having. Thank you fosters more than you will ever know.

<![CDATA[ALI HAS LEFT US...]]>Mon, 17 Sep 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/september-17th-2018Picture
It is with a heavy and broken heart that I inform you of Ali’s passing from this world today. I am in deep shock and grief over his death.

He was found this morning in agony on the floor of the kitten room. We rushed him to the vet at 7:30 and he was gone soon after. I have no answers about his death. All I know about is his life and all he overcame so that he could participate in life with us.

He was found as a tiny ringworm ridden black, polydactyl kitten with 2 possible siblings and fostered through the horrible ringworm bout by Gloria Toft. He was very scared of people and never “friendlied” up as a kitten. When he came to the Shack he became very ill and was syringe fed and bathed as he was too sick to keep himself clean even. He overcame that and then started working on trusting people.

That took some time and we had really stopped thinking of him as an adoptable guy and more like a Shack mascot. He gamboled around the edges of everything, observing with his big gold eyes but not necessarily participating. He loved to run out the door of the room at feeding time with his buddies, the 7 kittens of Greta. But then when the last one of them was adopted, I watched him run out the door a couple of more times and then stop because it wasn’t fun to do alone. Who knows what they think when they watch their friends disappear one by one?

In the last few months he had become able to position himself to be petted as his idea instead of being pursued and you could tell by the glow n his eyes, how proud he was of his bravery. He would do little things to catch your eye but not necessarily for hands on interaction. Just to let you know that he was there enjoying the action. I’m sure we all have Ali stories and memories of some kind.

So now I will say an unwilling goodbye to you, Ali, as you take your leave of us. We were lucky to have had you as our friend and thank you for helping us learn what Rescue really means. You are one of a kind and our hearts will never forget you.

Be free from fear and confinement. Fly.

<![CDATA[SOMETIMES LOVE IS LETTING GO ♥️]]>Fri, 02 Feb 2018 19:10:27 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/sometimes-love-is-letting-goPicture
Hi Everyone,

We just finished up January with our 26th adoption for the month. We are feeling happy and proud, even though we won’t rest for long as our fosters continue to bring in kittens as they become ready for the Shack. Looks like we won’t be done with kittens this year before it’s time to start with kittens!

I wanted to tell you my experience of my time with Kenji as we fosters have all of our kittens and cats in our homes and get to know them and their behaviors on intimate terms. Which helps us to have successful adoptions as we strive to match people and kitties according to wants and needs.

“He’s just too much cat for us”, the woman said, as she placed the carrier on the counter in front of me in an I’m DONE gesture.
I looked inside at the little lavender point  weeks old kitten inside and thought “Really?” He looked at me, sighed and curled up to sleep.

I took him home and proceeded to be introduced to Kenji. Kenji bit. Kenji scratched. Kenji hid. Kenji refused to eat. Kenji wouldn’t interact with other cats and kittens. Kenji was riddled with fear and had obviously been inappropriately handled. I knew he had been brought to Prescott from CA. But not much more.

So we started working with Kenji and we have the scars to prove it! He tried something new each day with many failures and a degree of mastery. He could be petted and purred. He could curl up near you and be content. He could lead you wherever you needed to go in case you got lost or didn’t remember what you were doing. The biting and scratching were down to a dull roar. And only when he felt he was truly being mishandled. He hid for 2 days when the New Year’s fireworks went off but overcame it.

This morning I woke up and there was no Kenji to lead me out into the breakfast room, announce breakfast to everyone by going crazy on the cat tree, and telling them to sort themselves out in order BEHIND him. No Kenji to curl up beside me after eating, wash himself and contentedly purr himself to sleep. No Kenji to investigate each sound or noise from outside. No beautiful little face looking back at me slowly closing and opening his eyes in the sign of acceptance. Because Kenji was ADOPTED yesterday!

The perfect family showed up, having seen him online and knowing his issues. They had had a cat that was like him with the need to control his environment to feel secure. They felt capable of dealing with his behavior and fell quickly in love. He conducted himself in a very civil fashion as he experienced their delight and excitement with him. They couldn’t wait to take him home.

And so we let go of our boy who had so many hurdles to cross knowing that we had found the best situation we could for him. We released him with love, into love.

This is what we do. When people complain because we don’t approve them for adoption or they can’t procure a cat from us, this is why. Each kitten is hand raised and known by its foster. Each cat and kitten is observed by their foster for unusual traits and behaviors that need help or support. This takes much more time and effort than many shelters who “process” cats on “intake” and move them rapidly thru the system.

​We work, have demanding jobs, families, lives, bills, overhead, etc. And yet we find the time to do the work that will make life better for these kitties and their new families.

And you support us in that work and make it possible for it to happen. You are our greatest asset in this work and we value your willingness to contribute to enrich the lives of these forgotten and unwanted Souls who find themselves in dire straits thru no fault of their own.

Thank you for your compassion, sense of justice and untiring support. It means we can successfully continue on rescuing and loving the Kenjis of the world!

Susan and Everyone from the Catty Shack

<![CDATA[Adoptionland!]]>Sun, 14 Jan 2018 23:22:11 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/adoptionlandPicture
Hi All,

We have been in adoptionland for the last 2 days! We had 6 adoptions in 24 hours! I believe we are at 20 adoptions for the month so far! It has been very gratifying to see people appreciate the kitties and what we do for them.

The kittens have gone in pairs, our 13 year old wonderful guy was adopted into a loving home and beautiful Cherish, who was the kitty microchipped to a Florida owner that we found wandering, was also adopted. Some of the kittens were only at the Shack for a day!

We still have kitties waiting in the wings with our youngest still only 8 weeks old.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement, gifts and time.

I will leave you with a picture of our newest Rescue. Do you think he is happy to be indoors?

<![CDATA[Happy New Year! Adoptathon!]]>Thu, 04 Jan 2018 08:00:00 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/happy-new-year-adoptathonPicture
Hi Everyone,

We are on an adopting roll again thanks to all of you and your wonderful support and hard work. We have just adopted 7 kitties in 3 days!

Azul and Meezer, Penelope and Grady, and Amber and Chatter all went in pairs. Each pair are siblings so we are very happy with that. We also adopted Ace on the very last day of Dec. and if you will check out our Facebook page, you will see him renamed Boomer with his new girl. It is so sweet.

Also, we brought in a girl trying to live in a culvert who will go to YHS for lack of fosters but by the time we rescued THIS GUY, pictured left, we had a foster space come open so we took him in. Approx. 3 years old and not neutered! Uh oh!

We still have 24 in foster waiting to come into the Shack but those numbers seem laughably small compared to the amount we did this year. When I get the head count I will report it!

Thank you all so much for making this all possible. From the intake, fostering, paperwork, vet visits, money and time donations, internet work, camera work, interfacing with the community about their strays, trapping, transporting, the publications who feature us, the List goes on and on. One of the most crucial pieces is fostering which allows us to take the kitties off the street immediately to safety when we find out about them. So if you know of people with spare bed or bathrooms, see if they would be willing to help save lives by hosting a stray or strays to get them to safety until we can make room.

You make all the difference,
Susan and the Catty Shack Volunteers  and Tenants

<![CDATA[Milestone!]]>Sun, 12 Nov 2017 16:16:32 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/milestoneGood Morning Everyone,

I couldn’t let this milestone pass without sharing the news with all of you who have helped us in so many ways and made all these events possible for the Catty Shack!

We just had 17 adoptions in 11 days! That sets a record for us and helps us to Rescue more cats and kittens all the time.

And we did have wonderful fosters come forward who opened their hearts and homes to the little mama kitty who had her kittens before we could get to her.. We were only contacted on the 9th and she had them on the 10th. She had 4 kittens but lost 2. We all know how difficult it is for these little kitties to be on the street, pregnant with no food source. Added to that, she had been attacked by something and needs physical care for her wounds. But she is safe, warm, fed and can relax and take care of her little family with no worries. What a gift she has been given.

Thank you all for supporting our mission in so many ways and for your positive energy, kind words and gifts of time, money and the heart. We could never be here without every one of you.

Susan, the Catty Shack and the kitties]]>
<![CDATA[Latest news for 11/4/2017]]>Mon, 06 Nov 2017 01:15:22 GMThttp://cattyshackrescue.org/news/latest-news-for-1142017Picture
Hello Everyone,

I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying life. It has been awhile since I sent out an email about adoptions. It’s been a busy and productive time for us since around March when we started taking in kittens in earnest. I don’t have numbers but it has been non stop since March and I do mean non stop as we just took another lone, small kitten in today. Yes, they are still out there and we have them from 4 weeks old on up.

That’s the good news but the really good news is that we have had 9 adoptions in the last 4 days, with 5 adoptions today alone! Today we adopted out Belle, Tia and Finn, Bindi and Lucy. Yesterday we adopted out Jane and Percy. The day before was Rosalee and Onyx. And we had more lookers today. Also, there is interest in some of the kittens still in foster. Our total for adoptions were 15 last month so we may surpass that this month.

Several factors are helping us to increase our numbers. One of our volunteers has made up a book of all the fosters with their pictures and bios so people can see who we have at the Catty Shack and who hasn’t arrived yet.. Another volunteer has gotten us on Petfinder.com. And our webmaster has been busily keeping up with all the pics and bios he has been receiving from us. Also, we are included in the Prescott Dog magazine bi monthly. And then there is YOU! Supporting us in so many ways.

We still have 40+ cats and kittens in foster with more arriving as we go. We have taken in several adult cats also. Yesterday we partnered with someone who had a hunch to check a locked up home. She found a cat who had been locked in and left to die. Luckily she followed her hunch. She offered to take him home, bathe and feed him, take him to the vet and foster him until he is strong enough to get neutered and come to the Shack. He had been there over a week with no food.

And that’s how we are managing to do all this. Fosters who have opened their hearts and homes and agreed to see their charges through until they can be brought to the Shack or adopted. We were fortunate this year to have 14 fosters working to keep these kitties off the street. And not only off the street but many of these cats and kittens would have been left to fend for themselves, consigned to the life of a feral, or worse. The fosters make the whole Rescue procedure possible and keep it going. It’s one thing to find the abandoned and stray but where do you put them all when you receive multiple phone calls a day and need to rescue ASAP? With fosters!

I want to tell you that most of my posting is now on Facebook, Instagram and our GoFundMe campaign. I reach the maximum amount of people that way so the emails have gotten sparse but I am thinking of you all and know you are still out there wishing the best for us.

I won’t blow your computer up trying to send pics of all our recent adopteds but you can find their pictures on our website cattyshackrescue.org. Daily news is cattyshackrescue on Facebook and Instagram and WeNeedANewShack on GoFundMe where we are trying to reach a down payment goal for a facility.

As always we are a 501(c)3 with no paid staff entirely volunteer run. And if you haven’t seen the recent improvements at the Shack, you need to come by and take a look.

Thank you for helping us in our mission to take the abandoned cats and kittens from the streets of the tri city area and find them homes. Your support makes all the difference.

Susan, all the volunteers of the Catty Shack and all the kitties
