Hello Everyone,
I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying life. It has been awhile since I sent out an email about adoptions. It’s been a busy and productive time for us since around March when we started taking in kittens in earnest. I don’t have numbers but it has been non stop since March and I do mean non stop as we just took another lone, small kitten in today. Yes, they are still out there and we have them from 4 weeks old on up.
That’s the good news but the really good news is that we have had 9 adoptions in the last 4 days, with 5 adoptions today alone! Today we adopted out Belle, Tia and Finn, Bindi and Lucy. Yesterday we adopted out Jane and Percy. The day before was Rosalee and Onyx. And we had more lookers today. Also, there is interest in some of the kittens still in foster. Our total for adoptions were 15 last month so we may surpass that this month.
Several factors are helping us to increase our numbers. One of our volunteers has made up a book of all the fosters with their pictures and bios so people can see who we have at the Catty Shack and who hasn’t arrived yet.. Another volunteer has gotten us on Petfinder.com. And our webmaster has been busily keeping up with all the pics and bios he has been receiving from us. Also, we are included in the Prescott Dog magazine bi monthly. And then there is YOU! Supporting us in so many ways.
We still have 40+ cats and kittens in foster with more arriving as we go. We have taken in several adult cats also. Yesterday we partnered with someone who had a hunch to check a locked up home. She found a cat who had been locked in and left to die. Luckily she followed her hunch. She offered to take him home, bathe and feed him, take him to the vet and foster him until he is strong enough to get neutered and come to the Shack. He had been there over a week with no food.
And that’s how we are managing to do all this. Fosters who have opened their hearts and homes and agreed to see their charges through until they can be brought to the Shack or adopted. We were fortunate this year to have 14 fosters working to keep these kitties off the street. And not only off the street but many of these cats and kittens would have been left to fend for themselves, consigned to the life of a feral, or worse. The fosters make the whole Rescue procedure possible and keep it going. It’s one thing to find the abandoned and stray but where do you put them all when you receive multiple phone calls a day and need to rescue ASAP? With fosters!
I want to tell you that most of my posting is now on Facebook, Instagram and our GoFundMe campaign. I reach the maximum amount of people that way so the emails have gotten sparse but I am thinking of you all and know you are still out there wishing the best for us.
I won’t blow your computer up trying to send pics of all our recent adopteds but you can find their pictures on our website cattyshackrescue.org. Daily news is cattyshackrescue on Facebook and Instagram and WeNeedANewShack on GoFundMe where we are trying to reach a down payment goal for a facility.
As always we are a 501(c)3 with no paid staff entirely volunteer run. And if you haven’t seen the recent improvements at the Shack, you need to come by and take a look.
Thank you for helping us in our mission to take the abandoned cats and kittens from the streets of the tri city area and find them homes. Your support makes all the difference.
Susan, all the volunteers of the Catty Shack and all the kitties
I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying life. It has been awhile since I sent out an email about adoptions. It’s been a busy and productive time for us since around March when we started taking in kittens in earnest. I don’t have numbers but it has been non stop since March and I do mean non stop as we just took another lone, small kitten in today. Yes, they are still out there and we have them from 4 weeks old on up.
That’s the good news but the really good news is that we have had 9 adoptions in the last 4 days, with 5 adoptions today alone! Today we adopted out Belle, Tia and Finn, Bindi and Lucy. Yesterday we adopted out Jane and Percy. The day before was Rosalee and Onyx. And we had more lookers today. Also, there is interest in some of the kittens still in foster. Our total for adoptions were 15 last month so we may surpass that this month.
Several factors are helping us to increase our numbers. One of our volunteers has made up a book of all the fosters with their pictures and bios so people can see who we have at the Catty Shack and who hasn’t arrived yet.. Another volunteer has gotten us on Petfinder.com. And our webmaster has been busily keeping up with all the pics and bios he has been receiving from us. Also, we are included in the Prescott Dog magazine bi monthly. And then there is YOU! Supporting us in so many ways.
We still have 40+ cats and kittens in foster with more arriving as we go. We have taken in several adult cats also. Yesterday we partnered with someone who had a hunch to check a locked up home. She found a cat who had been locked in and left to die. Luckily she followed her hunch. She offered to take him home, bathe and feed him, take him to the vet and foster him until he is strong enough to get neutered and come to the Shack. He had been there over a week with no food.
And that’s how we are managing to do all this. Fosters who have opened their hearts and homes and agreed to see their charges through until they can be brought to the Shack or adopted. We were fortunate this year to have 14 fosters working to keep these kitties off the street. And not only off the street but many of these cats and kittens would have been left to fend for themselves, consigned to the life of a feral, or worse. The fosters make the whole Rescue procedure possible and keep it going. It’s one thing to find the abandoned and stray but where do you put them all when you receive multiple phone calls a day and need to rescue ASAP? With fosters!
I want to tell you that most of my posting is now on Facebook, Instagram and our GoFundMe campaign. I reach the maximum amount of people that way so the emails have gotten sparse but I am thinking of you all and know you are still out there wishing the best for us.
I won’t blow your computer up trying to send pics of all our recent adopteds but you can find their pictures on our website cattyshackrescue.org. Daily news is cattyshackrescue on Facebook and Instagram and WeNeedANewShack on GoFundMe where we are trying to reach a down payment goal for a facility.
As always we are a 501(c)3 with no paid staff entirely volunteer run. And if you haven’t seen the recent improvements at the Shack, you need to come by and take a look.
Thank you for helping us in our mission to take the abandoned cats and kittens from the streets of the tri city area and find them homes. Your support makes all the difference.
Susan, all the volunteers of the Catty Shack and all the kitties