First let me apologize if any of you got strange email from me yesterday. My yahoo account was hacked. No damage that I can see but those sneaky people did it under a Kitty heading that they must have known I would open. They actually used the name of a local rescue, that is how accurate they are getting. All fixed now.
I want to thank everyone who sent items through our Amazon Wish List. We have received 2 large boxes of paper towels, cases of wipes, both grooming and cleaning types, several bags of dry food, several self heating beds, cases of baby food, scratchers, litter and canned food. What a generous outpouring from the hearts of you all. It's so nice to know that we have goods stashed to fall back on instead of always trying to count the pennies to see what we can afford.
Because as I was walking this morning, I started ticking off the number of cats we are currently responsible for and I came up with the number 55! I came home and checked my math and yes, it is 55 cats and kittens we are currently housing, trying to place or getting them grown up to the place where we can place them! They are either in foster at this time or at the Shack. I was wondering if there were 55 people left in Prescott who don't have cats? Then I reassured myself that we could adopt them in twos and it would only be 27 people! HA!
Anyway, now is the time if you are thinking of volunteering. We can use adoption time people, house cleaners, socializers and fosters, newspaper kitty post people or someone to remind me to do it (!), or anything else you can think of that I may be missing. It is quite a job to keep all the plates spinning at once and we can use any help you can think to offer.
Again thank you for all you have done and continue to do to enrich our kitties' lives. We could never have the confidence to say yes to so many without your willingness to help and support us. It means more, to more, than you may ever know.
Susan and the Catty Shack Rescue gang