Hi Everyone,
It has been awhile since you heard from me with news. We have had a lot going on and little spare time. So I won't go into too great of detail but want to fill you in on what has been happening.
Charlie and Claire were both adopted last month toward the end of the month. We were happy with the homes that took them and felt they would give them good lives.
Gareth was brought back to us from an abuse situation. If you don't remember, Gareth was one of Pearl's tiny babies. Well, he is a big boy now and beautiful. He just needs a bit more room to move around in!
We have begun plans for a few more enclosures to put newbies in when they come in so they can decompress without feeling crowded or unsafe. We are at maximum capacity right now with 13 kittens and 13 adults at the Shack and quite a few more in foster.
You may remember the mom who was dumped with her baby who became Alice? We never could get her again but several weeks ago she started showing up daily for food and finally babies! We were able to trap the babies and bring her in to foster. She is a friendly dilute tortie gal with a spay appointment! And, of course, her babies are adorable!
The babies found in Paulden with no mother are getting spayed and neutered this week. Time has flown by. They were 6 ozs when they were found on the Alpaca ranch and now they are tubby little kids.
2 boys who were abandoned when their owners house was foreclosed on are in foster but outdoors. We were hoping to find a foster who could bring them in but so far no luck. If anyone has room or the desire to help with them let me know. They are nice boys who got a bad break being left behind with nonfood and no care. One is an orange male and the other a black long hair who was anemic by the time they were found. He is much better now.
We have rescued multiple mothers with kittens of all ages who are still young enough to need mom.
We lost our little Himalayan girl on Friday. She weighed 4 lbs when we got her and had bad teeth and thyroid. She was given thyroid medication until her thyroid was normalized which did happen. Friday her foster noticed there was pinkish tinged liquid here and there in her house so took her in to MileHi. They found she had fluid in her lungs and abdomen and Dr. Smith diagnosed her with cancer. We felt it was best to euthanize her as she would suffer from the illness and her teeth. Her foster went to be with her and sat to visit with her. She comforted her and talked for 20 minutes until Dr. Smith walked in the room, then little Frannie quietly left her body without any help. She was such a precious girl and had such adorable moves and attitude. I am so disappointed that you didn't get to meet her.
AND, we said good bye to "Little" Louie the same day. He went to an adoptive home where he will be the big deal only cat. If you are familiar with the Catty Shack you will know that we have had Louie since early 2015 when he was found under a trailer at the age of 4 weeks. He had issues that kept him from showing well for adoption until his person finally arrived and they had an instant connection. Congratulations Louie. Here's hoping that you have smooth sailing and many happy times in your new home.
Well, I know I said I wouldn't go into detail and believe me, I haven't. There is a lot more to tell but I will leave it at this for now.
As always, I am so grateful for your support and everything you do to make this all possible. We are so lucky to have you all and that you think our work is important enough to stand behind.
Best to you from the Catty Shack Kitties!
It has been awhile since you heard from me with news. We have had a lot going on and little spare time. So I won't go into too great of detail but want to fill you in on what has been happening.
Charlie and Claire were both adopted last month toward the end of the month. We were happy with the homes that took them and felt they would give them good lives.
Gareth was brought back to us from an abuse situation. If you don't remember, Gareth was one of Pearl's tiny babies. Well, he is a big boy now and beautiful. He just needs a bit more room to move around in!
We have begun plans for a few more enclosures to put newbies in when they come in so they can decompress without feeling crowded or unsafe. We are at maximum capacity right now with 13 kittens and 13 adults at the Shack and quite a few more in foster.
You may remember the mom who was dumped with her baby who became Alice? We never could get her again but several weeks ago she started showing up daily for food and finally babies! We were able to trap the babies and bring her in to foster. She is a friendly dilute tortie gal with a spay appointment! And, of course, her babies are adorable!
The babies found in Paulden with no mother are getting spayed and neutered this week. Time has flown by. They were 6 ozs when they were found on the Alpaca ranch and now they are tubby little kids.
2 boys who were abandoned when their owners house was foreclosed on are in foster but outdoors. We were hoping to find a foster who could bring them in but so far no luck. If anyone has room or the desire to help with them let me know. They are nice boys who got a bad break being left behind with nonfood and no care. One is an orange male and the other a black long hair who was anemic by the time they were found. He is much better now.
We have rescued multiple mothers with kittens of all ages who are still young enough to need mom.
We lost our little Himalayan girl on Friday. She weighed 4 lbs when we got her and had bad teeth and thyroid. She was given thyroid medication until her thyroid was normalized which did happen. Friday her foster noticed there was pinkish tinged liquid here and there in her house so took her in to MileHi. They found she had fluid in her lungs and abdomen and Dr. Smith diagnosed her with cancer. We felt it was best to euthanize her as she would suffer from the illness and her teeth. Her foster went to be with her and sat to visit with her. She comforted her and talked for 20 minutes until Dr. Smith walked in the room, then little Frannie quietly left her body without any help. She was such a precious girl and had such adorable moves and attitude. I am so disappointed that you didn't get to meet her.
AND, we said good bye to "Little" Louie the same day. He went to an adoptive home where he will be the big deal only cat. If you are familiar with the Catty Shack you will know that we have had Louie since early 2015 when he was found under a trailer at the age of 4 weeks. He had issues that kept him from showing well for adoption until his person finally arrived and they had an instant connection. Congratulations Louie. Here's hoping that you have smooth sailing and many happy times in your new home.
Well, I know I said I wouldn't go into detail and believe me, I haven't. There is a lot more to tell but I will leave it at this for now.
As always, I am so grateful for your support and everything you do to make this all possible. We are so lucky to have you all and that you think our work is important enough to stand behind.
Best to you from the Catty Shack Kitties!